If you take boon companion feat you get 4 levels in another class before your animal stops leveling with you That isn't what the feat does. whitejma. I really don't want Bismuth as my mount permanently. Animal Companions work alongside certain Classes, such as Druid, and help them while exploring and fighting. Add a Comment. Wolf did not appear at all after first dialogue. Wild Child. Gemeciusz. Animal Companion. While riding, you can grab a two-handed weapon and just go to town while the animal charges around and makes a mess of things. Pros: Animal companions no longer have arrested progression: whenever their owner gains a new level in a class that grants access to an animal companion, the animal gains a new level. Some can even be. The original evolution point progression made all other animal companions obsolete, and made the Hunter a better Summoner than the Summoner could every hope to be. Witch's Familiar. The local cleric says she can 'read a scroll' but I dont see an option for her to revive/read the raise dead scroll even if I have one in my inventory. The question is what happens when you Animal Companion Dies? The rules are: If your companion dies, you can spend a week of downtime to replace it at no cost. Is there anyway to alter animal companion appearance or color? I'd love it if my leopard was black and my horse was white. It can also be done indefinitely unlike spells. This bond can take one of two forms. Hunters focus on fighting alongside their trusted animal companion. yuriski1st. 3. Kingmaker: Mechanic. They all have their own Classes and equipment they begin with. It will also read a lot, getting +1 Int and qualifying for teamwork feats. Best subclass is one you have most fun with. Each Animal Companion have their own stats, attacks, and bonuses. And that's how I first read the question. Will be restarting that game I guess. Reply PeroStAb Tentacles • Additional comment actions. If any of the animal companions dies (or get knocked down) when they get revived or get back up they bug out. Animal Domain. First is the prereq "Nature's Soul"(+2 to Lore: Nature and Perceive) and the second I have forgot the name of, but it gives you Animal Companion at "your lvl - 4". Benefits of having an animal companion [| ] Animal companions are one of the strongest features present in the game. Wildland Shaman is a sub-class in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. That's what I was hoping to do for my skald. It offers a powerful and convenient way to edit the party composition, stats, search and add Feats. Animal companions very good. However there are spells to raise animal companions (go to the bottom), so perhaps just do that. Animal Companion. Uhh no, you're talking about two separate things: the Boon Companion feat makes up for the -3 level penalty which rangers and Animal-domain casters take to their pets, as well as any non-pet levels you take on a pet class; e. At level 3 you can add celestial template to your animal companion which gives it a bunch of elemental resistances, damage reduction, and spell resistance in addition to smite evil. Animal Companion levels in WOTR are based on Character levels and Class (notice I didn't say class level). If the attempt fails, the creature is not tripped in return. Since the last patch, occasionally my PC's animal companion just vanishes - as in there's nothing under the portrait. #1 YourLittlePogchamp Sep 9, 2021 @ 8:04pm Originally posted by Grimm: buy a raise the dead scroll or true resurrect scroll and use it in the dead champ Where is their body. ; Aivu, despite being an animal companion, is closer to. For your main. 306. For a cohort or follower with. There are so many options when it comes to certain class. Skills: Level up perception with the extra skill points Inquisitor gives at level up, then pick whatever skill gap needs filling in your party. (Level 4) Druid for Spellcaster (Level 1) For Angel: Paladin for Martial (Level 4) (Horse only) Cleric with Animal Dominion (Level 4 or any level you get impossible domain animal mythical ability) Arkantos-of-alantis1 • 2 yr. And then you'll need to cast the spell 'Restoration' twice on each person to get rid of the negative levels. Unfortunately, the selection of classes that got access to animal companions was quite small, and you couldn't customize the animal's development. If you haven't figured it out yet, I believe it is Animal Companion since that was the only option that allowed me to level the horse to level 6. Unlike Animal Companions, you can't just go find another Drake Companion after a week, and in this case even if she could, the character wouldn't, as she's extremely attached to this Companion, with him being a major part of her backstory and the crux of her goal as an. And the animal companion right now is gaining levels when I level Seelahs paladin levels (currently am like 3 paladin, 1 cavalier or something). ago. It uses the owner's character level minus 4 as the effective druid level. You can only get him if you are an Aeon or Lich. Last edited by Ventus ; Sep 30, 2018 @ 4:12pm. Arueshalae (broken. Since the game is a Mythic Game, once your AC obtains 3 Int you can make it learn the Mythic Companion feat which allows it to consider itself a mythic creature of abilities. This can be really bad if your trapper isnt mounted and you go about triggering everything. Yes, currently all classes that offer an animal companion offer "continue" as one of the choices of pet. Animal Companions work alongside certain Classes, such as Druid, and help them while exploring and fighting. Skald especially would buff your pet by giving it beast totem/guarded stance AC if needed. Next fight, he dissapeared forever. I realize some classes allow for both, but when that isn't possible I think I. It offers a powerful and convenient way to edit the party composition, stats, search and add Feats, Features, Items, etc. Those that are good aligned are (mostly) unique NPC's rather than normal encounters. Use bow or xbow. This ability functions like the druid animal companion ability, except that the ranger's effective druid level is equal to his ranger level -3. There’s a Lich undead companion in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous named Delamere (Undead Ranger). A spell is a one-time magical effect, but can vary in duration and casting time. 1. 5) The ability to pick fur/scale color a bit wouldn't go unloved. 4) find the raise/resurrect scroll that you want to. In my opion there is no "best companion". Oct 2, 2021 @ 9:16pm Yep #1 if your ok with a dragon is Azata Mythic Path besides that you have Magus - Subclass Arcane Rider Hunters Ranger - Nomad Subclass. So I defeated a semi-boss after several tries but Seelah unfortunately died. Saboteurnado. Aug 23, 2017, 03:16 pm. Companions assist the player by joining his/her party and have their own backstories and unique characteristics. You get to hit the level up button to make him equal your level, up to 4 levels. A lost animal companion, cohort, familiar, or follower can be raised or resurrected with spells such as raise dead, resurrection, or true resurrection. If you had pre-ordered, they would appear as additional animal companion entries ingame. Animal Companion (Ex): At 4th level, you gain the service of an animal companion. Give your wolf a belt for more strength or even dex for more AoOs. At 10th level, a hunter gains raise animal companion as a spell-like ability. From Canada. The player can't just buy WOTR mounts from the market, however, as it requires a special bond in order to take pets in Pathfinder on an adventure. Official PF2 Rules. Is this just the bonuses and penalties from when they went up in size? But I thought Leopard's Dex wasn't supposed to go down. With 20 levels in Zen Archer, his bow attacks will be doing 1d10 damage per shot and his bonuses will be monstrous. Welcome to our Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous walkthrough guide. When I did the respec I was not given the option to choose an animal. They form powerful bonds with particular spirits, and as their power grows they learn to call upon. It offers a powerful and convenient way to edit the party composition, stats, search and add Feats, Features, Items, etc. Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG based off of the 3. Animal companion's death. This one seems under the impression that the rules say otherwise "Most DMs have a monster die the instant it drops to 0 hit points, rather than having it fall unconscious and make death saving throws. This guide will hopefully explain how, and how to understand and use it for enjoyable play. The pnp Pathfinder rules allows crane wing or any other feat that the INT 3+ animal is physically capable of using and with monk styles it's really hard to judge since they are actually inspired by animals. I get that having the longbow as a favored weapons would be beneficial to some classes over a trident but when it comes to melee players wanting to play as evil with an animal companion I don't see any other choice besides Gozreh. These divine adventurers have strong ties to natural spirits. Beewo. Under Hunter's Bond it says this ability functions like the druid animal companion ability, except as noted. How to revive a dead companion? One of my companions died during the siege on the town; I cant find her body to revive her? < > Showing 1-3 of 3 comments . I shudder at the thought of wrangling with the UI with 6 animal companions. Aivu joins you upon reaching mythic rank 3 and selecting the Azata mythic path. Lore (Nature) Hunter is a class in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Says it has the option to always show pet in party bar. There is no prerequisite to have an animal companion to get the feat, but you're going to need one to use it, and animals can't get companions of their own. The DM can allow animal companions to do death saves. This animal is a loyal companion that accompanies the ranger on his adventures as appropriate for its kind. Amiri into Sacred Huntsmaster was particularly my favorite. Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Wiki: WotR is the second PC game set in the Pathfinder universe after the release of Pathfinder: Kingmaker back in 2018. So, you click on the companion an then activate the scroll. During the siege of Iz, you can kill Galfrey and resurrect her as an. Corrupted Galfrey. Raise Dead is the lowest level spell to bring back a fallen companion; it's lvl 5 Cleric spell which requires a lvl 9 cleric, or a scroll and someone who can cast cleric scrolls (or fake it with UMD), or being in the vicinity of Jhod or other NPC clerics who provide clerical services. For WOTR it's decided that animals companions can learn them. Oread or hunger seed tiefling, start with something like 18 strength, 18 wisdom, and some Dex and con. #1. $endgroup$No ress needed. The local cleric says she can 'read a scroll' but I dont see an option for her to revive/read the raise dead scroll. I think you're missing the bolded part. It tells a new story – about the part of the world that was captured by demons 100 years ago, and to this day, people try to withstand the demonic assault. Depends on the companion. That makes it the worst animal companion. Anyone who can ride an animal companion can be an outrageously tough front liner now. Animal Companion. kuestersColluding Scoundrel (Hunter archetype) is the closest that I could find, but I think it's still not what you are asking for. If the hunter's animal companion is dead, the hunter can apply her companion's animal focus to herself instead Of her animal companion. It can be kinda tricky to work out how to level up your party members in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. I cannot find her body. Some can even be mounted by the player character. Another handy bit of info: you can combine classes that have an animal companion (don't forget about lvl 5 paladin's Divine Bond, which is basically the same but not listed in the feat progression table for some reason). I cannot revive her. If you try using this build on higher difficulty, stop by again and let me know. There are places likely to kill a party member where you cannot rest. Flip Oct 7, 2018 @ 2:02pm. Quick Links. So unless you got a VERY high mobility check and the mounted. Showing 1 - 2 of 2 comments. Exactly, trickster into legend gendarme does 35k+ damage per charge. Oh, okay. Yes, the animal level is tied to the owners level. Daeran's Basic Stats. The actual calculation for an animal's level seems to be roughly (0. Camellia is your next best choice as a companion already set up to be a tank, but Woljif and Regill can also make great tanks if built correctly. Creatures with no. An animal companion gains Multiattack as a bonus feat if it has three or more natural attacks and does not already have that feat. Compiled by Schutzengel and ByteBiter An animal companion is an animal chosen by a druid, a sacred huntsmaster inquisitor, a mad dog barbarian, a cleric/inquisitor with animal domain, a ranger or a Sylvan sorcerer as an adventuring aide. Animal Companions have dead levels (3, 7, 11, 15, 19) where it does not gain Hit Die but that should be at 3HD right now: ACs start out with 2HD, get a 3rd at AC lvl 2, and then stay at 3HD at AC lvl 3. Mounting the companion let's you ride them and attack concurrently and use their movement speed, however they must be at least 1 size larger than you in order to allow you to ride them (So if you're medium they must be large). Camellia is a Companion in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous . Ask your GM about the Deathtouched Companion Archetype which can be found in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Wilderness or here on the SRD. Aeon enhances your summons and both Angel and Azata give our amazing party buffs that can include your animal companion. Aivu is an animal companion that levels based on Mythic Ranks instead of equivalent Druid levels. A Witch must commune with her familiar each day to prepare her Spells. As such, the player needs to prepare their spells carefully and make sure they make the most of their magical arsenal so that they can survive long enough to. Mar 28 @ 11:14pm 1. 3) you control animal companions but not summons. 69. The druid's class levels stack with levels of any other classes that are entitled to an animal companion for the purpose of determining the companion's statistics. She can be mounted. Some of the best subclasses in the game can't (normally*) get one. As I recall, they don't, because Animate Dead isn't technically summoning anything. Hi, first post here! I am playing a long campaign with a Flurry Ranger that also uses Animal Companions. The four times I've seen this happen have been after I added a party member to the group - twice after adding a merc (Kalikke), twice after adding Enkundayo and Dog (Harrim). Summons vs Animal Companion. Animal Companions work alongside certain Classes, such as Druid, and help them while exploring and fighting. Am in chapter 1 and my companion died in a battle. Whether the result of a partially successful attempt at revival, a strange blight, or repeated exposure to undead, l deathtouched companions are living animals with a trace of the undead. The first is a dose tie to the natural world, granting the Druid one of the following cleric domains: Air, Animal, Earth, Fire, Plant, Water, or Weather. 1) Should be able to rename animal companions. Familiars store all. Each Animal Companion have their own stats, attacks, and bonuses. . Each companion has a unique class with powerful abilities that assist players in advancing the storyline. Act 3: during the next personal investigation respond with “Your brother hoped to. It gets an animal companion at level 4 or as well as spells (Up to 4th level). ago. I have a Bear named Sir Fluffers. Raise Dead is cheaper - 6k Using a character's spells is 1k cheaper with diamond Resurrection is 12 k - but complete heal while in camp best to opt out for raise dead just 6 k. Animal companions can now wear armor, they get natural AC scaling, have an archetype with DR, and you can buff them to the moon. monitor lizards are better than both because it can trip AND poison. 11+ HD: resistance 15 to cold, electricity and acid, DR 10/evil Smite Evil (Su): Once per day, the celestial creature may smite an evil-aligned creature. Generally speaking you want DEX on most Animal Companions because it gives AC. Can't heal him. Him reading it is basically just allowing anyone to use scrolls when at camp etc. 5 Ruleset of Dungeons and Dragons. Furthermore, it was said that you cannot buff your animal companion while it is mounted. The difference. However, if the druid constantly places the. His caring nature shines through the crass sarcasm of Pathfinder’s assortment of companions. They also don't get toughness. In the specific case I'm talking about, Daeran is a level 7 Oracle and his pet is level 2. What are the benefits, or where can I find info on the class options for the animal. Hunters get a ability to boost a stat of your companion or give it ability, including one that gives it evasion. If you aleardy have the bug you might have to load a previous save and then do as solution says (I had to do that, not sure if there's a workaround using Toybox, but heard it might help on. But there's a feat for that, I don't remember what it's called at the moment). GrandMajora. look at the bottom of the owning companion portrait. 1: Leaves your party behind. It uses the owner's character level minus 4 as the effective druid level. Queen Galfrey is the only companion that can join the party as a living companion or an undead one. There are two kinds of animal companion classes: those that get an animal companion at level 1, and those that get an animal companion at level 4 (or in the case of blood rider, level 5). Because of the source you get it from, its much cuter than you might imagine. Add a Comment. That is, I think a sacred hunter inquisitor that picks the Animal domain—because, for such a character, more than one animal companion's a no-no—has a level 20 animal companion at, like, character level 12. Some can even be mounted by the player character. Animal Companion - Triceratops is an Animal Companion in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. For the archetypes that say they get a mount, what is the difference between a mount and a traditional companion? I have zero interest in mounted combat, but a Bloodrager with a pet sounds like a. The Animal domain gets you an animal companion at level 4, which quickly becomes a strong contributor to the party (although it starts off underpowered, since it is three levels weaker than you. Just finished fighting nulkineth. Looks more like a fairy dragon. Ordinarily you would either take an early oracle level to get a wolf animal companion and then level up as a paladin the rest of the way, or else start out with 1-3 paladin levels and then go melee oracle the rest of the way. She gets the same benefits as the current animal companion focus. Hunters focus on fighting alongside their trusted animal companion. A ranger's animal companion shares his favored enemy and. Exactly, trickster into legend gendarme does 35k+ damage per charge. My current bear has around 50AC and most enemies need a natural 20 to. Despite being in animal shape I think you're still tagged as being a humanoid so Animal Growth won't work. Toy Box is a cute and playful mod with 500+ cheats, tweaks and quality of life improvements for Pathfinder: WoTR. You need to take the feat boon companion otherwise your animal companion will lag behind other options. The problem is, I've yet to go to the rich merchant's house with her and can't find a way to revive dead companions. Kasa Sep 25, 2021 @ 3:26am. If you had pre-ordered, they would appear as additional animal companion entries ingame. NalimX • 2 yr. Once it's awakened, it can either spend a feat on armor proficiency or take class levels in a class that grants armor proficiency, just like any intelligent creature. The highest CHA animal in kingmaker is the smilodon with 10, the second highest is mastodon with 7 I think. To anyone else having the same problem: You use the scroll from fromt "the perspective" of the dead companion. Zen Archer Monk build for Lann in Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous. The NPC Codex is just 2 weeks away, and it's time to talk about an often-forgotten, underprivileged group of creatures: animal companions!. Hunter: Base Class [ Full BAB 3/4 BAB, half caster] Inquisitor: Sacred Huntsmaster & Animal Domain [3/4 BAB, Half Caster, Skill monkey] Kineticist: No. The dialogue option you’re looking for is: “My companions and I need good training. You need to pick disipline at level 3 that gives a domain then take the impossible domain mythic feat for the animal domain which would then give you progression with your animal companion. This animal is a loyal companion that accompanies the ranger on his adventures as appropriate for its kind. Animal companions do not inherently gain all the abilities of their respective beastiary listings. Seelah->Paladin mount she never rides because it is more useful trampling trash under its hooves of death on its own. To give an example, a leopard has +3 natural armor compared to what it'd have in tabletop and at level 7 it gets free dex to damage (tooltip stat mod is wrong In other words, with Boon Companion, you could take 16 levels in Druid, and 4 levels in a different class of your choice, and still have a level 20 animal companion by the end of the game. ShivaX Oct 31, 2021 @ 4:09pm. Any dog get's large on dog level 7. Full-Plate. ranger now shares her favored enemy and favored terrain bonuses with her animal companion, Animate Dead spell works more akin to pnp (you need a corpse to raise a skeleton, and skeleton retains corpse's stats, size, HD and equipment, and lasts 10 minutes/cl, caster can not raise more than 4 * caster level HD of skeletons),. Animal Companion - Dog is an Animal Companion in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. 25 from 11 a. triceratops and smilodon (forgot that one) were part of WotR's pre-order bonuses. Various classes and archetypes are able to acquire an animal companion, an additional companion who will increase in power as the character takes additional levels in classes that have access to animal companions. Animal. He can be named whatever He wants. " Wenduag is the best animal companion. Typically a save/reload appears to correct - just happened now in fact. WotR dogs become the Dog gods of Dragon Age. 3) Shared spells would be nice, but I can live without them. The only real drawback is that you don't get the animal companion until level 4 and you need to burn a feat to bring it up to full strength. A guide says to take the. For a ranged tripper, Earth Kineticist gets bowling infusion at level 5 and can get trip + greater trip wild talents around that time too to buff your success chance. I'm all for animal companions. I've noticed that character menus sometimes corrected themselves if you save, quit, and reopen the game. It now has -31/31 hitpoints and lies dead. Though if you choose the azata mythic path, you'll eventually receive an "animal companion" of sorts in addition to your animal companion. Raise Animal Companion is one of many Class Features in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. The Guardian has. 13 Animal Seize The Moment (OR if share team feat > Toughness) 14 Animal. . Should you romance her, she joins the party after the Threshold quest. No, it wont replace your Animal companion, it will tag along as if its the main character. If you just want someone to deal out physical pain, get all the animal companions. AC. If that is the case, you will then be able to raise her in the Temple of the Good Hunt. You can't select continue unless you have a pet already, and must select it if you can. Good enemies are sadly very rare in WotR. It really doesn't make sense why every class can't have an animal. #5 Mr. 4k is the patch listed). Celestial Animal Companion gains spell resistance equal to its level +5. Can't heal him. Spellcasters have a rough time in the early hours of Wrath of the Righteous, as they only have a few spell slots to use. Deathtouched. Point buy equivalent. Some can even be mounted by the player character. I know in the TTRPG that animal focus. None of the mounts comes even close to what Horse provides. They all have their own Races / Classes and equipment they begin with. Just bite em and boom tripped. That seems to have changed in WotR, as there are now quite a large number of. Dog, in this case. If a character receives an animal companion from more than one source, her effective druid levels stack for the purposes of determining the statistics and abilities of the companion. Animal Companions work alongside certain Classes, such as Druid, and help them while exploring and fighting. Syries. Its also annoying for speeding into fights. 75x the character's level)+1, capped to the character's level. konokonohamaru • 2 yr. Play however you want to play mate. urban hunter is a non-obvious choice, but the free captor feats are worth looking at because of just how powerful the trip abilities are in wotr. They still draw their inspiration and strength from the natural world, marveling at how nature flourishes. A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. Nul landed every hit and wolf is at -62hp. . An animal companion that starts in melee of an enemy just gets to do a free Trip. I think they're cool, they're cute, they add a lot to the game. 1 person marked this as a favorite. Leopard does not get +2dex/+2con, they get +4str/-2dex/+4con making them a lot less mono dex than they seem. It should always be in rage since large animals get reach. If a character receives an animal companion from more than one source, her effective druid levels stack for the purposes of determining the statistics and abilities of the companion. Spells in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous are the magical features chararacters are able to cast to affect themselves, allies, or enemy targets. Literally every single guide, build post etc I've seen recommends Erastil as your animal domain deity choice over Gozreh. IMO, its up to the player to role play the loss of their companion resulting in any morale deficiency or change in play style. Second, the two most recommended choices are a smilodon (5 attacks and pounce) or a leopard (3 attacks, trip attempt on a bite, and the highest of any animal companion). A nimble wolf is rocking 6+2 hp per level for the first 7 levels, 6+3 from 8-13 and 6+4 from 14-20. Death's Door - characters (and pets) won't die whenreceive a deadly injury, they get the death's door effect. The Shillelagh spell and produce flame are some of the best early game damage spells for a druid. Companions in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous assist the player by joining his/her party and have their own backstories and unique. There's not really a good compendium of Animal Companion stats available for this game. World Information. Animal companions. to party member. #1. , a Mad Dog 16 / Thug 4 who takes Boon Companion feat would have a pet equivalent to Mad Dog 20. When casting Legendary proportions in the mount, it grows from large to huge. Probably dead on the ground somewhere and I didn't notice. Stealth. I was thinking of making my dog a Bully class, but cannot find any info on the animal companions class options. GrandMajora. They start at level 2 when their owner is level 1, then normally gain levels along with the character, but stagnate at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15. So back in Kingmaker, you could make an entire team of custom characters, all of whom could have access to an animal companion, and effectively double your party size. al. Honestly with it being 3 feat list to get an animal you’re better off starting the character on a Druidic/clerical/whatever path that can get an animal naturally. 1. Animal Companions advance levels according to their master. I'm kind of disappointed that the only archtypes/classes that can get animal companions are: - Barbarian (Mad Dog) - Bloodrager (Bloodrider) - Cavalier (All subclasses except Disciple of the Pike) - Druid (All subclasses except Blight Druid and Elemental Rampager) - Hunter (All subclasses except Forester) - Inquisitor (Sacred Huntmaster) - Magus. Before it happened, I had cast 'death ward', which is still active. If the animal is on the cavalier mount list and on the list of animal companions for your other class, your cavalier and druid levels stack to determine the animal's abilities. A Cavalier could Challenge their own horse. Animal. (Starting its quest. Have to open up another menu to get control of the game back again. g. Animal Companions work alongside certain Classes, such as Druid, and help them while exploring and fighting. The actual calculation for an animal's level seems to be roughly (0. The second option is to form a close bond with an animal companion. At 1st level, a Druid forms a bond with nature. ago. It's using Necromancy to animate corpses instead of Conjuration to summon. The leopard will never be the best damage dealing pet, it his, however, one of. I was forced to continue on with Bismuth as my animal companion. Erian666. the guide says also that i need Second Mystery: Nature as my first mystic ability which i have. Will be restarting that game I guess. I was forced to continue on with Bismuth as my animal companion. However, the bear and wolf still only get a -1 size penalty. Stealth. Few direct pet specific buffs but most paths have some sort of party wide buff they can give out. (Level 4) Druid for Spellcaster (Level 1) For Angel: Paladin for Martial (Level 4) (Horse only) Cleric with Animal Dominion (Level 4 or any level you get impossible domain animal mythical ability) Arkantos-of-alantis1 • 2 yr. Cutlass Jack. Skald especially would buff your pet by giving it beast totem/guarded stance AC if needed. if i search for "animal" i only find boon companion which misses animal companion as a prerequisite, but animal companion doesnt how up.